ISOTT Young Researchers Symposium
The ISOTT Young Researchers Committee is pleased to announce the ISOTT Young Researchers Symposium, an event dedicated to trainees and early career researchers.
The event spotlights young researchers, providing opportunities to interact and talk science with people from varied backgrounds. The symposium will take place on Sunday, June 9, 2024, starting at 9 a.m. and culminating with a keynote lecture by the winner of ISOTT’s 2023 Melvin H. Knisely Award in the late afternoon. Meals will be provided, along with lodging on the night of June 8. Participants in the Young Researchers Symposium are generally also expected to participate fully in the ISOTT 2024 conference.
Young researchers (students, postdocs, clinical trainees, new faculty, and others) are encouraged to present their preliminary work and to get feedback and advice from others. Participants will give brief research talks (about 10 minutes), followed by discussion.
We invite all young researchers to request an opportunity to present at the event.
Who is eligible?
Students (undergraduate and graduate), postdocs, clinical trainees, and academic researchers new to their positions are all encouraged to participate.
How to participate
On the ISOTT 2024 registration page, indicate that you will be attending by adding a "Young Researchers Symposium" ticket to your order. You will need to select both the Trainee ticket for the main conference AND the Young Researchers Symposium ticket.